11 July 2017

Seeing Anew

Wandering around Dublin last week I was struck by a few things. One, the sun. And what a difference a sunny day makes to the mood of a city. It just felt happier. I felt happier. Even though I don't mind "Irish summers", the last few weeks had been quite grey, to the point that we were joking that we didn't know what the big, yellow disc in the sky was.

Turns out that there's lots of things around Dublin that I've never noticed  before. I walked past Hodges Figgis (my favourite bookshop anywhere, though that might change if Waterestones ever renames it) and down Duke Street. Nothing unusual in that, I've walked that route hundreds of times. But it was the first time I noticed the lovely art deco work on the Clarks' shop, which faces into Duke Street.

I was on my way up to Stephen's Green, hoping to get a Wellife Collapsible Cup -  unfortunately I couldn't find the shop (well, I thought it was in the Stephen's Green Shopping Centre but it turns out the kitchen shop is in behind the shopping centre).

There I was, walking around Stephen's Green, searching for a shop that didn't exist when I noticed the giant clock. I had never seen it before! And no, it's not new, I'm told it's always been there.

So maybe my problem isn't bad eyesight, I just needed the sun to come out. 

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